Research & Mailing Volunteer

      • Service Position: Research & Mailing Volunteer
        Professionals & Underserved Workgroup
        Public Information & Outreach Advisory Committee

        General Duties:

        The Professionals & Underserved workgroup is in need of volunteers to assist with the project that is introducing Crystal Meth Anonymous to professional organizations and/or addicts in underserved areas. This is being accomplished through building a database of organizations, sending an introductory letter & materials, and identifying local contacts for PI&O outreach throughout the U.S.

        Specific Duties:

        For Underserved Areas with No Existing PI&O Presence

        • Research colleges/universities, treatment programs, drug/family courts, other
        professional organizations online for pre-identified underserved areas
        • Add contact information to Google Sheet to help maintain ongoing database of
        • Send ‘CMA Intro Letter’ via email to all those contacts with a valid email address
        • Send ‘CMA Intro Letter’ via snail mail to all those contacts with a valid mailing address
        • Provide additional info as requested for any organizations that respond to letter

        For Areas That Already Have a Pre-Existing PI&O Presence

        • Research and identify trusted servants in local areas doing the work of PI&O
        • Contact pre-existing PI&O in local areas to see if they are already doing similar work
        • If work is not being done and the local PI&O requests assistance from General Services,
        begin researching colleges/universities, treatment programs, drug/family courts, and
        other professional organizations in these existing local PI&O areas
        • Add contact information to Google Sheet to help maintain ongoing database of
        • Send ‘CMA Intro Letter’ via email to all those contacts with a valid email address
        • Send ‘CMA Intro Letter’ via snail mail to all those contacts with a valid mailing address
        • Provide local PI&O contact info for any organizations that respond to intro letter

        • Hello-
          Where does this go?
          Julie E.

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