Communications – Technology

Communications – Technology Welcome

      • Greetings All,
        This is our forum to discuss the things we need to share. I made this group public, meaning anyone on the site can read our forum. If the group desires it can be made private.

        CMATW is the CMA Technology Workgroup. We are a group interested in using technology in service to the Fellowship of Crystal Meth Anonymous and to learn from our shared experience. Our group is a place to share ideas, connect with other CMAs interested in technology, and bring these ideas back to our respective Groups or Areas.

        We are a group of CMA members with the duty to ensure the continuity of the group; to produce, to preserve, and to share the fellowship’s content (where possible); and act as a clearinghouse for connecting people interested in our mission of using Technology to serve CMA’s mission.

        We are CMA members with no special authority. We are here to serve regarding technology. We are invited guests who are affiliated with the Communications Advisory Committee of the General Service Organization of Crystal Meth Anonymous. We are a small team of volunteers with broad experience across technology fields.

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