Hospitals and Institutions

AGENDA: H&I Breakout Session – September 27th at 9:00 a.m.

      • Greetings H&I Committee Members and Delegates,

        I’m reaching out ahead of our breakout session on September 27th at 9:00 a.m..

        As I write this, I’m reflecting on how I felt before last year’s conference. Some of you may remember I was nervous and filled with self-doubt. I felt like an imposter… but something changed after New York. Working with all of you has given me a confidence I never had. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I’m so grateful for what we’ve accomplished and truly humbled that you put your faith in me as Chairperson. I hope you all feel as encouraged and empowered as you’ve made me feel.

        For those of you new to the H&I Committee—welcome! We’re so grateful you’re here. Please know that you are enough. Your voice matters, and we want to hear it.

        Now, let’s get to work:

        Here is the link to the agenda for our breakout session:

        I want to take a moment to highlight a few key items we’ll be working on:

        Creation of Vice Treasurer and Vice Jail Liaison Positions: These will be two-year terms starting in 2025, with the first election being for one year to help synchronize with the new election schedule. After serving as Vice, these individuals will transition to their respective full roles for two-year terms, ensuring a smooth leadership transition.

        Adjusting the Election Schedule: We will be holding a mid-term election to elect the new Treasurer and Jail Liaison, establishing a rotating schedule so these positions are elected in different years than the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. This adjustment includes extending the current Treasurer and Jail Liaison terms by one year to train their Vices and synchronize with the new election timeline.

        In addition to these changes, I plan to hold elections for our new Chairperson at the conference. If time allows, we will also elect the Vice-Chair and Secretary.

        All other elections will be held during our November and December Committee meetings. This is when we will elect the Vice Treasurer and Vice Jail Liaison, as well as all liaisons to the Finance Committee, Communications, Public Information and Outreach, the Literature Advisory Committee, and the DEI Committee (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility). These liaison positions are a great way to get involved, and I hope you will consider standing for one.

        There are other opportunities for service as well. I invite everyone to continue joining our Hospitals and Institutions Committee meetings, held on the 4th Saturday of every month at 8:30 a.m. Pacific Time. Our Jails & Prisons Workgroup meets 30 minutes before our regular committee meeting.

        Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for any reason. If you have doubts or reservations, remember—there’s no “wrong” way to do this. You are enough. We are so glad you’re here.

        Looking forward to seeing everyone!

        Yours in service,

        Sarah G.M.
        Las Vegas, NV
        Chair, Hospitals & Institutions
        CMA General Services

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