This year, at the General Service Conference General Assembly, voting members will have the opportunity to vote to recommend members to serve on the CMA Board of Trustees.
Earlier this year, each Area had the opportunity to elect one member to serve as an Area Trustee Nominee. Those individuals were thoroughly vetted by our Nominating Committee. That process included an application which included their service history, a criminal background check, conversations with members of the Nominating Committee, and references from their Advisory Committee Chairs on their service work.
In August and September, each Region hosted a Regional Assembly where the Area Trustee Nominees were narrowed down to one Regional Trustee Nominee. Area Delegates and Trustees residing in the Region made up the voting body for the Region. During the Regional Assembly, each Area Trustee Nominee had the opportunity to present their goals and qualifications for the Regional Trustee Nominee position, and members of the Regional Assembly (voting and nonvoting) had the opportunity to interview them and ask questions. The voting members then voted by secret ballot for the most qualified individual and that person became the Regional Trustee Nominee.
At Large Trustees are positions reserved for individual invitations from the Board. Regional Trustees who desire to remain on the board for another two or four years, for the purpose of continuity, legacy, institutional knowledge, upcoming projects, or because they have work to finish from their term are invited to fill an At Large position at the end of their term, so long as they meet the above-stated requirements. On occasion, the Board may invite someone from within, or outside of, the Fellowship to fill a specific need the Board has, such as someone with a vast financial background or extensive DEI experience, to give a couple of examples. Both Regional and External At Large Candidates go through the same vetting process as the Regional Nominees.
On Saturday at the Conference General Assembly, you will be asked to vote to confirm the Regions’ selections to the Board of Trustees and the Board’s selection of At Large Trustees. To help you become more acquainted with each Nominee, below you will find an Introduction from someone within each Nominee’s recovery network as well as a personal introduction from the nominees themselves (Remember, you are not expected to vote based on the individuals themselves, most of whom you probably don’t know personally, but rather vote to approved the Regions’ (or Boards) selections based on their thorough vetting process and personal knowledge of the individuals, accepting that they chose the most qualified individuals.)
Kyle K – Great Lakes Region
Hello, I’m Kyle K., and addict from Madison Heights, MI, and I’m grateful to be nominated for the Trustee role for the Great Lakes Region of CMA. My current journey in recovery began on December 6, 2016 (my sobriety date), and since then, I’ve been dedicated to both my own growth and serving others.
In my current roles, I’m active with the PI&O committee at the GSC level, serve as the senior delegate for Michigan (entering my fourth year), and handle the treasurer duties for my home group, “Crystal Clean,” which I helped start and recently celebrated its 6th anniversary.
For the past seven years, I’ve been involved in service across various 12-step fellowships at multiple levels—group, area, and regional. I’m committed to my home group, have a sponsor who has a sponsor, and also sponsor others, along with having a service sponsor. My goal is to advocate for the members of the Great Lakes Region and to channel my passion and experience from both CMA and other 12-step groups into serving our fellowship effectively.
Thank you,
Kyle K
Mark M – Mid-Atlantic Region
I’m Mark M., I am a crystal meth addict from New York City and one of the Mid-Atlantic Region trustee nominees. My sobriety data is 9/29/19 and will celebrate 5 years at the conference. I hope to bring my background in tax, accounting and finance to the fellowship. My service background started with being a greeter in my homegroup and has expanded to many meeting level service positions, GSR and General Services Officer in NYCMA for two years, chair of the Mid-Atlantic Region CMA Conference and NY delegate. I owe my life to recovery and CMA in particular and hope to continue to provide service to this fellowship well into the future.
Ross H – Mid-Atlantic Region
My name is Ross, an addict from the Mid-Atlantic Region. I have a sponsor, service sponsor, and a handful of sponsees. I’m honored and excited to be a trustee nominee. My first day sober was August 6, 2008, after years of active addiction to crystal meth and all of the other substances I used to maintain my addict lifestyle. I’m grateful to say that I have not found a good reason to use since that day. I lost a lot during my using days, but over the last 16 years in recovery, I’ve gained back so many things that I had lost during my addiction: my family and friends, my health, and gainful employment. As a result of working the Steps and Traditions, I’ve also gained some things I’d never experienced before: unconditional love for myself and others, peace of mind, and a sense of faith and hope in a power greater than myself.
I found early on—perhaps selfishly—that service was vital for me in order to keep myself rooted in the fellowship. I’ve done every service position you’d allow me to do over the years, starting as greeter, secretary, and meeting chair, and eventually finding my way into the GSC as Registration Chair for the 2010 Conference in New York City (“Always in Service”). That was my first encounter with addicts from around the country. It was exciting to know that we were everywhere and we all wanted to work together to make a better CMA.
I served two separate terms as a delegate from New York, first landing on the H&I Committee and eventually finding my way to the LAC, which has been my home since 2016. I currently serve as the LAC Chair and also sit on the Conference, DEI, and Communications Committees. I had the privilege of chairing the hosting committee for the Conference in NYC in 2023, which really helped me see the work that goes into our Conference.
In New York City, I’ve been working with members from New York and other areas on writing the Twelve Steps for Crystal Meth Addicts, which was approved by NYCMA’s Intergroup and published in September 2023. We’re now working on a draft of the Twelve Traditions which we hope to add to the Second Edition and eventually bring to the GSC.
If I’m elected as Trustee, one of my goals is to set up regular Zoom meetings between the areas of our region to keep everyone posted on what’s going on in the fellowship and discuss issues that may be coming up in our areas. I’d also very much like to get the New Jersey and Maryland Regions more involved with the hopes of sending two delegates next year, as well as finding a future Trustee nominee from an area besides New York.
Thank you!
Russell G – Mid-South Region
My name is Russell. I am a tweaker and the Mid-South Regional Trustee Nominee. I was six months sober when I first walked into a CMA meeting. I traveled from my sober living in Greenville, SC, to my husband’s sober living in Birmingham, AL. Together, we went to the anniversary celebration for the Free and Clear group there. I was fed and welcomed. The meeting was…chaos. Energetic, celebratory, fun! I had no idea recovery could be like this. A year later, my husband and I were back together, and we wanted to bring that same spirit to Asheville, NC. We started the Open Blinds Group there five years ago.
I have served at the group level as the GSR, H&I representative, newcomer representative, PI&O committee member, and coffee maker, at the beginning, all at the same time. I have served as a delegate for North Carolina, finding my stride on the H&I committee, where I have had the pleasure of serving as the Jail Liaison. I serve with love, energy, and a passion to provide space for others to recover. A space like the one shown to me years ago in Birmingham, AL. I love service work. It is the cornerstone of my program. I am grateful for this call to serve as a trustee.
David T – Northwest Region
My name is David T, and I am a tweaker from Portland, OR. My sobriety date is 10/22/20, and I have accumulated several bouts of sobriety from the time I first came to the rooms of Crystal Meth Anonymous in 2006 in Los Angeles. I am thoroughly grateful and honored to accept the nomination as Trustee from the Northwest Region. It feels like a coming of age or rite of passage for me, and a seminal moment in my sobriety to give back to Recovery the gifts of my own recovery in the most effective way I know. Early in my recovery, I needed so much from the program just to stay sober myself. Today, I contribute to the General Service DEI and Communications Committees, and I am excited to collaborate further with other committees. In Oregon, I have served at the group, Area, and Regional levels. At the group level, I have held Secretary/Chair positions, Treasury positions, and been a GSR for several groups. At the Area level, I have contributed as a GSR, Delegate for the Oregon Area, and am now Treasurer of the Oregon Area. I have collaborated on efforts to increase attendance, participation, and excitement for the Northwest Region, in light of next year’s Conference in Portland! I look forward to the exciting work ahead as a Trustee and am eager to hit the ground running!
Stephen F. – Pacific Region
My name is Steve F and I’m a crystal meth addict from Las Vegas, NV. I am truly humbled to be the trustee nominee from the Pacific region. I currently serve as my areas senior Delegate and district chair, as well as various local group commitments. Additionally, I serve on the Literature Advisory Committee and look forward to continuing my work there. I have a sponsor, a service sponsor, and sponsees. Service has always been at the heart of my recovery and I believe wholeheartedly in giving back to CMA what was freely given to me.
When I first came to CMA I was a sad, desperate child who just wanted to stop the cycle of use. What I didn’t realize was that CMA was going to give me the tools to grow into an adult capable of love, compassion and leadership. The longer I stay sober, the more I realize it is by working with others and being of service that builds these skill-sets I never imagined having.
My ultimate vision of service is assuring there is a place for the newcomer, the same way there was a place for me when I came in feeling hopeless. I want to assure others that CMA has a solution and a program that can change our lives when we apply ourselves to it. I never dreamt I would have the life I have today and I owe it all entirely to CMA.
I look forward to being able to serve my fellowship if selected as trustee. Thank you.
Lance S. – Southeast Region
Hello My name is Lance and I am a grateful recovering crystal meth addict! I was born and raised in the bayous of assumption parish Louisiana and transplanted by my higher power to Fort Lauderdale FL. My sobriety Date is 10/26/2021. My home group is FTL CMA where I serve as the GSR. I am also active in multiple fellowships in and around Fort Lauderdale. I am a board member of camp crystal clear serving as their meetings and speakers chair. I actively volunteer to raise money for the Florida roundup. I currently serve as the delegate for the southeast region and participate in the PI&O workgroup.
It has been an honor to receive the nomination for the southeast region trustee position and eagerly look forward to serve this area and the entire fellowship of CMA and also to continue to learn and grow in the fellowship.
James Ca. – Southwest Region
My name is James C., I am a crystal meth addict from Arizona and the Southwest Region Trustee Nominee. In February 2012 I had run through various other fellowships and decided recovery was not for me, I found them lacking a connection that reached me. After a suicide attempt at the dark end of my using journey, I ended up in a treatment facility. At this treatment facility, all fellowships came in to carry a message. Again, they all seemed a bit off. However, Crystal Meth Anonymous came in and I instantly related and grew the courage to ask one of them to sponsor me. I had to do jail time after I got out, and like a good addict, I stashed some just in case. So when I got out, the desire to get loaded kicked in and I got high before checking myself into jail. I had thrown away the idea that CMA was for me. However, the second I hit the dayroom, I heard “Meeting of Crystal Meth Anonymous”. That day was March 1st 2012. For some reason that was my sign from God that this fellowship was for me, and was chasing me down to help me.
When I got out of jail, I connected with my sponsor. He was a CMA Trustee at the time. I would hear stories of the calls and his travels to the GSC and it always fascinated me. I followed his lead and dove headfirst into CMA and Service in Arizona. Service In Arizona around that time was quite the experience, that often pushed people away as the opinions and personalities clashed. However, It was drilled into me that this is what I must do in order to recover. So I did. I dove into H&I service work and over the next 12 years I have consistently served H&I at the district, state, and GSC level. Beyond that I dove into all positions at the District Level, participated in the creation of the Area Level, and served many positions at that level.
I finally came to the GSC in 2015 as someone just hanging out. What I found was a different world that left me feeling a bit out of my league and intimidated. However several members connected with me and proceeded to help me feel welcome, apart of, and like I was home. From that point on I proceeded to serve the GSC in any way I could from H&I, Literature, Communications, Conference, and attending various other committees. I am extremely grateful that God called me to say yes to serve on several impactful committees that have indeed helped in carrying the message like H&I, Delegate Workgroup, and Soundcloud Char. The GSC has become my family and my home.
I do a lot in CMA, the question I get the most is how do you do it all? And Why do you do so much? The answer to this question should be in the first paragraph of this introduction. I view CMA with immense gratitude and credit it as the method God chose to save my life. Service was the backdrop that helped me walk through the trials of life. Service was also the tool that God used to keep me distracted long enough so he could work in my life unbothered by own “Actors Scenario”. I credit this beautiful life I have to the sacrifice that was made for service. I stand by the idea that your energy and sacrifice of time will be rewarded 10 fold when you are of service. The only problem is, the rewards may not be what you think they look like. But they are there if you look.
I look forward to serving CMA as the Southwest Regional Trustee with the same passion and desire to carry the message as I always have.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Michelle S. – At Large
My name is Michelle, and I am a recovering addict from Tucson, Arizona. My sobriety date is June 18, 2003. I have a sponsor and sponsees, my home group is the Monday night Speed bump meeting. I am the current Southwest Region Trustee and the GSC Vice-Chair. At this level of service, I am also the current Conference Advisory Committee Chair and the co-chair of the Literature sub-committee for the Voices of the Fellowship: Our Families book. I was the Arizona Area Delegate in 2015-2016.
My service resume begins very early in my recovery story. Like many of us, my sponsor volun-told me to chair a Tuesday night meeting that needed a chair. I got a homegroup early on and was the secretary for that group. I have held all the possible service positions at the homegroup level over the years, some repeatedly. I have been an active part of the district level of service since I was about six years sober, holding all the possible service positions at that level. I am currently the Chips and Literature Chair for my district. I have served at the Area level of service as the Arizona Area Delegate and the Area Secretary. I have also served on the Arizona Area Executive Board. In my work and personal life I participate in multiple non-profit boards and am of service to my community.
CMA literally saved my life. When we say jails, institutions, or death we are not joking. Death was all I had left to accomplish at the end of my drug use. CMA taught me how to live my life using a set of principles that I use in all my affairs today. Over the years, I have been blessed to see a Fellowship grow up around me. I remain committed to supporting the continued growth of CMA as your At-Large-Trustee.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.