Submit Your Speaker Recording

Submit your story or share, via .mp3 or .m4a file.

Please be aware of our recording guidelines.

  • Limit speaker recordings to one submission per person per year unless in the case of a special event.
  • Recordings should serve the primary purpose to carry the CMA message to the addict who still suffers.
  • Recordings should respect the Traditions and promote the unity and fellowship of CMA.
  • Recordings should respect the diversity of our membership without alienating any particular region or demographic or other fellowship.
  • Recordings should not glorify drugs, sex, criminal activity or contain excessive profanity.
  • Recording should be approximately 15 to 60 minutes.
  • Recordings should be of good listening quality.
  • Recordings should be from a Crystal Meth Anonymous meeting or Recovery Event.
  • All recordings used must be accompanied by a waiver and release form.

This form is intended for speaker recordings submitted to Crystal Meth Anonymous, Inc. and Crystal Meth Anonymous, Inc., and must accompany all submissions in order for such material to be published.

*** Please be sure to complete the entire form.

How to submit your story.
A. Fill out the form below.  * = Required
B. Attach a .mp3 or .m4a audio file.

This system works on Desktop, Tablets and Smartphones.

Submit Your Speaker Recording

.mp3 files may have a maximum file size of 128 megabytes.

With this document, I, the undersigned, hereby grant permission to Crystal Meth Anonymous, a California nonprofit corporation (hereafter referred to as CMA) and its successors, assigns, and those acting on its authority, the rights described below as to the attached property:

I acknowledge and agree that:
1. I possess full legal capacity to exercise this authorization and hereby release CMA, and its officers, directors, members, employees, and legal representatives, from any claims by myself, my successors, and/or my assigns regarding the attached material.
2. I hereby grant to CMA a non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide, and other right to print, use, reproduce, compress, edit, market, store, distribute, publicly and privately display, communicate, publicly and privately perform, transmit, create derivative works based upon, and promote the attached material, in whole or in part, in any format.
3. I understand and agree that I will not receive compensation from CMA, now or in the future, in connection with this content.
4. Notwithstanding the rights granted to CMA in paragraph 2 above, the basic message and content of the attached material will not be changed in any material way.

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Service website

to UPLOAD your story

or a recording. 


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to the main CMA website.


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