The Delegates to the Conference

What is an Area Delegate?

The Area Delegate, as a member of both the General Service Conference and the Area Committee, provides for the two-way flow of information between the Area and the Conference. Beginning in 2013, the number of Delegates elected to represent each Area was increased from one Delegate to two in order to ensure greater representation at the Conference. As the primary representatives of their Area, these Delegates carry the voice of their Area’s groups to the Conference and bring information from the Conference back to the groups. Because of the tremendous responsibilities inherent in this position, it is recommended that each Delegate to the General Service Conference has at least two (2) years of continuous sobriety and has previously held other service positions in their local Area. Areas are encouraged to select the best possible candidates as Delegates, sending those who have demonstrated willingness to devote their time and effort to working on behalf of the fellowship.


What are the duties of the Area Delegates?

The primary duty of a Delegate is to attend the annual General Service Conference, carrying the voice and experience of their local groups and Area.
Each Delegate is also assigned to one of the Conference Committees and is expected to participate in the discussions and deliberations of that Committee.
Furthermore, while the Board of Trustees may elect to contact registered groups directly, in many situations the Delegates will be expected to carry important information from the Board back to their groups.

The duties of the Delegates are not limited to their participation at the Conference. Before the Conference, each Delegate is provided a packet of
background information related to agenda items to be discussed at the Conference. Delegates should review all the material s in the Delegate Packet to
familiarize themselves with the issues to be discussed. In order to develop an informed group conscience, the Delegate should share this information and seek feedback from others in their Area. Areas may choose to hold a special pre-Conference workshop to discuss the Delegate Packet and other topics affecting the local fellowship.

Although both Delegates represent an Area at the Conference, personal recovery depends on CMA unity and it is the duty of every Delegate—indeed, of every CMA trusted servant—to act at all times in the best interests of CMA as a whole. While the Delegates solicit thoughts and opinions from the members and groups in their Area and bring them to the Conference, once at the Conference, it is each Delegate’s responsibility to cast their vote based on the best information they have at that time.

Delegates at the Conference may hear a convincing discussion presented by another Delegate, containing information they had not previously considered. As
a result, they may decide it is best for CMA to pursue a different course of action than the one requested by their groups, so they should feel free to cast their vote accordingly. This principle is known as the “RIGHT OF DECISION”, as described in Concept Three of The Twelve Concepts of Crystal Meth Anonymous.

Delegates are expected to participate in as much of the Conference as possible. The success of the Conference and its committees depends upon the diverse experience of every Delegate. At the Conference, Delegates also have the opportunity to seek out fellows from around the country and learn more about CMA activities beyond their local Area.

After the Conference, Delegates should provide a report of Conference activities to their Area, answer questions, and receive feedback from the members of their local fellowship. It is important that the Delegates attend meetings of individual groups throughout their term to encourage participation of both members and groups in CMA’s service structure.


Who pays for the Delegates’ expenses?

The General Service Conference does not pay for the Delegates’ expenses to attend the Conference. Some Areas and Districts are able to assist their Delegate with these costs or provide funding for the Delegates to visit the groups in their Areas and to attend the Area Assembly. These funds are provided by donations from the Area’s groups, which in turn come from their Seventh Tradition donations. It is also possible the Delegates will incur unreimbursed incidental Expenses.


What is an International Delegate?

It has become our practice to allow a vote by any duly elected “International Delegate” sent by CMA groups outside of North America. We have found that it is important for these international members to have a voice at the conference. Likewise the participating countries have found it very useful to be connected to the North American Conference and take part in the activities and knowledge shared at the Conference. International Delegates have a vote on the floor, in Conference Committees and have the opportunity to give a report on how CMA is progressing in their country.